Happy New Year 🎉 ! What Are Your 2023 Goals?

Dang, time flies. 2022 is over, and 2023 is here. Another year has come and gone!

For those of you who have been here since last year, I really appreciate your support!

It’s the time of the year again for some much-needed reflection and introspection to set the right tone for the new year!

I have been busy coming up with my goals for 2023, and I wanted to share a few with you.

The first goal I have for 2023 is to tighten up my budget.

Now that the holidays are out of the way, it is time to replenish my accounts. I have a few things coming up in 2023, so I need to cut back on some expenses to save for these events. Plus, if a recession is coming this year, I want to make sure that I live below my means until things improve.

My second goal for 2023 is to stick to a morning routine.

I noticed I am at peace and do my best work in the morning. Getting up 1 hour earlier has proven to help set the tone of my day because I take care of myself first before I care for everything and everyone else.

The third goal I have for 2023 is to create boundaries.

I need to take better care of myself by having boundaries. Sometimes I overextend myself by doing too much when I should rest, saying yes when I should say no, and not recharging myself fully. This year I want to care for myself better—no more running ragged.

What about you, {{ subscriber.first_name }} ?

What is your #1 goal for 2023? Hit reply and let me know.

It really makes me happy to know more about your goals and desires. Here’s to a productive 2023!

If you need help setting your 2023 goals, grab my Goal Planner to help you get started! 

There’s nothing like sharing your goals with friends to make sure I stay accountable and actually work towards completing my goals!

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